Your Stories

Our online story hub is a place for you to hear from different families across Scotland.

Stories are relatable and they humanise everything you are going through. They can support you if you don’t know where to start. They let you know you are not alone. They can help you take that step forward for support. And even reading stories can be a way to cope with what is going on.

We will always share family member’s stories and champion everything they do.

Thank you to the families who have shared their stories with us in our online story hub.


We welcome you to read through the stories below that are published on our website, and we also welcome you to submit your own story to the hub.

Submitting your story and sharing it online can be a daunting experience, so we would always say to ask yourself first if you are feeling okay with this. If you’re not up to it yet, take some time to think it through. And if it’s not for you, then that’s absolutely okay.

You can submit your story to us using the link below or here. You can write your story out first on a word document and then send it over to us.

If your story is suitable for our website and follows our guidelines, we will post it here in the hub. We will usually edit your story only for clarity, using plain English, and web usability. We will make sure to confirm with you first if you are happy with any changes.

We can’t publish every story we receive, so please don’t feel disappointed if you don’t hear back from us.

You don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to. You can remain anonymous or give yourself a pseudonym.

If you are wanting to share a story but don’t know where to start, our lovely communications team are here to chat with you. You can contact us at or

Please Note: this is not our Helpline and you will not get a response from our support team. If you need support please contact 08080 10 10 11 / or use the webchat on our website.

Filter our stories…

Case Study
To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this in the hope of helping me understand why I lost my son James at just 29 years old. To others, he is just a statistic – another drug’s death. But he was my...
Bereavement Housing Mental Health Prison
Case Study
By Catherine, 2021 It’s nearly five years now… five years in which so much in my life has happened. Milestones that my dad should have seen. My graduation from university, my first ‘adult’...
Alcohol Bereavement Depression Mental Health
Case Study
By Caroline, 2021 Kevin was born on the 13th of December 1972 and he was just a lovely baby. There weren’t any problems to worry about and he continued to grow into a happy and contented...
Bereavement Drugs
Case Study
By Mhairi, 2017 So today (15/08/2017), numbers were released that stated the number of deaths that were recorded due to drugs in 2016. A bunch of numbers, the highest we’ve seen in a while...
Bereavement Drugs

Do you want to share your story?

Sharing your story can be so powerful and rewarding. We welcome you to share your story with us if you would like to.

Please make sure to follow our guidelines.

We will always respect your privacy, and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.

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