My Family My Rights Skills Sessions

A powerful fist with a purple heart above it

These skill sessions will help you to feel empowered and learn and develop skills to increase your knowledge and understanding of your Rights. In turn this can help you advocate on behalf of yourself or your loved ones.

The sessions are set up to begin to give you an understanding of you and your family’s Rights.  This is a foundation of advocacy knowledge and self-empowerment to begin to understand Rights.

Our hope is that with more people knowing their Rights and advocating for their families, change will happen and advocacy will make a difference.

Advocacy helps empower people to have their voice heard.

Together we will:

  • begin to help understand your Rights and your loved one’s Rights
  • feel more empowered to use your voice in order for you and your family’s Rights to be upheld
  • gain knowledge of advocacy and how to advocate on behalf of yourself or others

Our sessions will run from:

  • Wednesday the 2nd November- 14th December 2022 between 10am and 12pm
  • Three week Christmas break
  • Returning on the 11th January- 8th February 2023 between 10am and 12pm

There will be an optional hour after this from 12:15—1:15pm people can join to share experiences or personal examples.

This will let us focus on the content on the sessions but still provide a safe space that you can share your experiences.

Remember at Scottish Families we refer to the word family in its widest sense, a family member could be a friend, neighbour or colleague. Loves makes you family.

Interested in attending?

For more information, you can contact Gill Harmon from our team on

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