Winter Learning and Development Courses with Scottish Families

We are running three new sessions from our head office in Glasgow throughout November and December. Our office is Edward House, 199 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3EX.

Traditionally, we have offered courses to one workplace at a time or been commissioned by an agency. These new sessions are exciting because you can book on individually – a bit more of an ‘à la carte’ approach! 

Introduction to Supporting Families

Next Session: Monday 20th November 10am – 12pm (2 Hours) 

Price: £35 per participant 


Are you looking to take your first steps in developing your knowledge about why families need support? 

Our Introduction to Supporting Families course is perfect for you. Learn about the unique needs and experiences of family members and understand how empathy and listening skills are so important to family support.  

This course is a beginner level and designed to be a first step for anyone who would like to find out about families affected by alcohol and drugs. 

This training is for you if you’re: a family member; a healthcare professional; a social worker; a member of the drug & alcohol workforce; an employer; a volunteer, a student; a policy maker, a politician; a community leader; or an interested member of the public. 

What do we cover?
  • Recognise that families need support and how this can be different to that for the alcohol or drug user. 
  • Discuss family members’ experiences and needs, and how family members can support recovery. 
  • Relate empathy and listening skills to family support. 
  • Identify local support options for family members. 
Why is this important?

Understanding the needs of impacted family members is crucial to offering effective support and compassion. This training shows true family experiences, providing a view of the often complex lives and routines of day-to-day life.  

And it offers some solutions – how to listen with empathy, what support is on offer, and how this can make an enormous difference in the lives of family members. 

Facilitating a Support Group 

Next Session: Monday 27th November 9:30am – 1pm (3.5 Hours) 

Price: £55 per participant 


Are you interested in running a support group? 

Our Facilitating a Support Group training is perfectly suited to helping you explore the skills and knowledge you will need to effectively lead a support group. 

We touch on some of the core things involved in running a group, including how to structure and manage a group.  

This course is for anyone looking to run any type of support group – families, members of the workforce, running peed-led recovery groups, and more. 

What do we cover?

By completing this training, you will be able to: 

  • Recognise and understand the role of the facilitator in peer-led family support. 
  • Identify and develop group ground rules and appropriate policies and procedures such as confidentiality and safeguarding. 
  • Discuss and identify potential challenges in the group and the best ways to resolve these. 
  • Identify key planning skills to structure and manage support group meetings. 
  • Identify ways of getting feedback from group members to make sure they are getting the right support. 
Why is this important?

Running groups can feel daunting and uncertain at first, so it’s important to think about a solid foundation. 

This course will arm you with the skills you need to feel confident and assured in designing and running a structured support meeting. 

Family Inclusive Practice 

Next Session: Wednesday 6th December 9:30am – 1pm (3.5 Hours) 

Price: £55 per participant 


Are you interested in an in-depth look at how best to include families in your work? 

Family Inclusive Practice is about how professionals in the workforce actively involve a person’s family and social networks in their care, are proactive in asking about the needs of the whole family, and make sure all family members are supported. 

This course is designed to be an in-depth look at all aspects of families support needs, what we are aiming for within Scotland, and how practitioners can adapt innovative approaches to best include families. 

This course is designed for members of the workforce.  

This includes: practitioners working in the drug and alcohol support sector; healthcare professionals; social workers; service managers; volunteers; and students. 

What do we cover?

By completing this training, you will be able to: 

  • Define family inclusive practice. 
  • Recognise family inclusive practice in relation to the evidence base, ROSC development and the Quality Principles in service delivery. 
  • Recognise the value of lived experience of family members and their support needs. 
  • Develop an understanding of the required qualities and skills to effectively engage with families. 
  • Identify opportunities to include families to support whole family recovery. 
  • Identify practical strategies to work with families and overcome barriers to family engagement. 
Why is this important?

Including and supporting families is a key focus in Scotland and is associated with positive outcomes for everyone. 

This course helps to explore the small, manageable steps practitioners can take towards achieving this and strive towards true family-inclusion. 

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